Tuesday, January 29, 2008
我啊~当然希望那两个马来人死的惨惨咯~ :)
EF-S 10-22mm F3.5-4.5 USM
Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM
Speedlite 580EX II
BG-E3 (battery grip)
Manfrotto 190X Pro B + 804 RC2
不过,也是不错啦,EOS 450D 酱厉害~
Thursday, January 24, 2008
mother fuxka 450D :)

The larger screen at the back of the 450D is the most immediately obvious change but the differences run a lot deeper than that. Let's take a look at the key changes:
- 12.2 megapixel CMOS sensor
- SD/SDHC cards
- Larger viewfinder
- Live view mode, including contrast-detect AF
- Improved 9-point AF system
- Spot metering
- 3.0" LCD monitor
- Redesigned menus (including My Menu as seen in 40D)
- Slightly redesigned info display
- Continuous shooting at 3.5fps for up to 53 JPEG (6 RAW)
- ISO setting displays in viewfinder and ISO button
- New, larger, higher capacity battery
- 14 bit A/D converter and processing
- Multi-shot self-timer mode
- Highlight Tone Priority (from 40D)
- Auto Lighting Optimiser (boosts shadows after shooting)
As well as the "bigger, faster, more!" changes that new models tend to bring (more pixel-dense sensor, larger screen, faster continuous shooting), there are a host of alterations that will appeal to photographers as well as the tech-heads and gadget lovers. The viewfinder is now nearly as big as the one that graced Canon's 30D (The 450D uses mirrors rather than a ground glass prism, but also costs around half the 30D's launch price). It also gains spot-metering - a first for one of Canon's baby DSLRs. Neither of these improvements will shift units by looking sexy on in-store displays but will make the photographic experience more pleasant for anyone willing to venture away from auto mode.
The 450D also adds this season's "must-have" feature - live view. We've had a play with an early sample of the 450D and the large screen shows a bright, clear preview image (though our sample seemed a bit laggy due to a relatively low frame rate). One useul option is the ability to switch from phase detect AF (with the usual mirror flipping wig-out every time you re-focus) to a more user-friendly, though slower contrast detect autofocus sytem (using the sensor). It works, though as we're playing with a beta camera we'll reserve judgement on the speed of operation. Unlike the Panasonic L10 the contrast detect AF system works with any Canon AF lens.
p/s : should i feel happy or sad now ? :\
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
finaly, i've recover from my sickness, and finaly i can update my blog
My EOS400D was stolen this morning =. =
Its happened so fast where i can't even take proper respond...
the incident take place opposite E-GATE...
the stupid MALAY THIEF pretend as a person who so fuxking love jogging, run by and took away my EOS400D baby with my dad's old school tripod. It was so fuxk-up back then. After he took away my baby, he run so fast to his partner motor and vroom~ sayonara...
here by i wish their parent all die being knock by motor, family member all die badly under the lorry, as for them, kaki tangan semua patah, face kena acid, eye kena korek by dog, everyday being fuxk by dildo~
p/s : wat a bad start for 2008 =. =
advice for all the photography enthusias out there, remember to bring along at least 3 friend along ur outing, and prepare a electric teaser if possible :)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Something boring to share
please do visit the above link, thanks
its a virtual game where u improve your cities' population by pulling in more internet traffic into your webpage =. =
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
i was unable to update my blog due to the sickness that wont recover for the past 4 days ...
but, don't worry my fellow brothers and sisters, i'll definitely recover soon!
and share my photography outing once again with you all !!
remember to always smile, always happy
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
心理测验 :)
第九型 | 和平型、和平者、和諧型、維持和諧者 15% |
第七型 | 快樂主義型、豐富型、活躍型、創造可能者、享樂型 13% |
第二型 | 助人者、全愛型、助人型、成就他人者、博愛型 12% |
第三型 | 成就者、事業型、成就型、實踐型 12% |
第四型 | 藝術型、浪漫者、自我型、憑感覺者 12% |
第五型 | 智慧型、觀察者、思想型、理性分析者、思考型 11% |
第六型 | 忠誠型、忠誠型、尋找安全者、謹慎型 11% |
第一型 | 完美主義者、完美型、改革者、改進型、秩序大使 9% |
第八型 | 領袖型、能力型、挑戰者、保護者、權威型 6% |
主要特徵:- 用不必要的事物來取代真實的需要。最重要的事情往往被留在了一天的最後時刻。
- 難以做出決定。「我是同意,還是不同意」或「我是想去,還是不想去?」
- 根據習慣行動,重複熟悉的解決方法。儀式主義。
- 很難說"不"。
- 壓抑身體的能量和怒火。
- 用被動進攻和頑固堅持來表現控制力。
- 關注他人的立場。
- 難以保持個人的立場,但是卻能擁有感知他人內心體驗的能力。
p/s : 我的性格竟然是那么.... T^T|||
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
cherish the Moment

i personaly quite like this artwork :P
well, just share share wat i've done lately.
i love sun rise photography, it is simply because i love to enjoy the moment waiting the sun to rise.
it really makes me feel relax and no pressure at all.
further more, i have always shared my sun rise with a few of my fotografi kaki, and now i'm glad to have another person who is willing to share this special moment with me.
i appreciate everyone.
i cherish you.
σας αγαπώ
p/s : i was quite busy this few day, seldom update blog, but i've been trying my very best to update now, and hope everyone out there who always support me, please forgive me for being late. thanks for drop by again! :)