第七章 暧昧的距离
听着近期的耳福... 不想分享他人的喜悦,只想自己静静的呆着...
我无意之中感觉到了... 那最温暖的一刻
对我而言... 暧昧就是最近,也是最远的一个 ...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
woalah! finaly, its genting trip photo sharing! hahaha, guess wat? its 053 graphic + arch + interior class~ collaboration trip! (wat the fuxk is this!?)
alright alright, the story is basically starts with ....
suki:[ eh! lets go redang la~ after our graduation~!]
ahpong:[cannot la, boh lui~ no $$$ after exhibition ... ]
dailo:[hano, boh lui liao la~~~]
suki:[hhhmpppppppppp~~ aneh kuan , where we go ar?]
shueping:[eh, go langkawi ok ar?]
ahweei:[i dun wan go "long kao yee"~]
pohlin:[ BUYAO LA~~~~ HEN SIEN DE LA~~~]
shueping:[ =.=|||]
but stil they decide to go langkawi in the end, so suki become driver one day, drive her CRV around and ask for langkawi ship ticket and ahpong and shueping ask for langkawi resort prices!
but than ....
after the exhibition ....
suki:[wei~ langkawi very danger la, now go cannot, because they say maybe got earthquake and tsunami~]
gilbert:[den , onli one place to go, genting....]
ah harn:[ ei, gilbert their class go genting, wanna follow or not?]
architech+interior:[ WAN!!!!!]
den i start to collect money... and christina ask...
christina:[ahweei got go boh?]
gilbert:[not sure.... he ar ..... hehehe, duno lo, u ask him see?]
she call ahweei
christina:[ahweei! u got go genting boh~~~!?]
ahweei:[not sure ar~!]
christina:[u no go ar! WA PAK LU ARH!!!!]
ahweei:[okok, i go~]
so, in the end , end up alot ppl go genting ~
photo lai liao~
on da bus~ on da way going genting~ oh shit... my heart felt like missing u guys now leh ....
my room mate! adrian, tzumao, ahmeng! (bunch of siao kia...)
rooom of 2 ... pohlin and ahweei~ aaa~ naughty la~
the int+arch guy! (from left) ah harn, gim seng, sharm, dinesh, ah chiu!
int+arch GURLS! (from left) christina, poay ngin, myra, lee kiang , sharm(bitch) , karen~
gosh, miss you all lenglui~
ahweei kisiao liao, tired til sleep inside toilet ...
ah hoe! and chun xiong!! huasai , ahhoe even bring his ps2 go genting play! SIAO LIAO! but GOOOOODDDD~!!!
oh! pohlin look so cute in this photo!!! nice! but i dun wan eat chocolate la ... fat u know ,hehehe!
huasai~ lenglui play bowling! myra vs christina!
YESH!!!! my team win! wahahaha, but 411 vs 412 lol~~~ win 1 point! see the G?? is gilbert , see my point hahahaha , cacat only~!
damn nice photo! wahaha, 053 graphix all is poser! all pose so nice! hahaha!
JIMUI TIME!!!! wahahaha, apple, mar, qq!
bert + apple! muimui love yea muax! waaa.... the tuala behind sipek tin teh ...
waahahah, i look so funny ;P apple cute :D mar sleepy~ but still act cute :P haha!
hahahahaha, the most funny pose i ever pose~! look so fuxking stupid, funny and weird!
its with apple mui again :) apple mui u reali abit fat jor! need keep fit liao!!! :P
ahweei and adrian ~ arrrrrr!!! wat is adrian trying to touch ??? oh look ahweei looks like very song leh~!! hahahahaha!
all hail poay ngin ~! hehehh~!
jangan main main di genting ah! kalau buat sesuatu against the law~! saye boleh tangkap you!
hmp... pray the god... popi popi ....
hualau eh.... the face look like josiao more than praying =. = maleh...
waaa~ so xing fu!!! dinesh song die you liao~ wahahaha :P
wohooo~! the escalator POSER! wahahahah~!
fuxk this is really damn fuxking FUN!!! will play it again if i go genting again! its really really great!
ah hoe:[ i love energizer! ]
energizer:[ =.=||| ]
SPIN~ SPIN!!! SPIN~~~ spin~~~ spin .... sppiin ..... sp .... sppi ..... spin ........ arrr .....blekkkk!!! =.=||||
they nearly faint after this spinning cup~! hahaha !
yiiii~~~ paoy ngin so cute in this photo :) oh shit ... ah sien is dead behind isit !?
ooo.... i think he is dead la ....
hahahaha, ah mao look so happy n confident ha! hua, ah hoe wanna become god liao~
(beside that guy , duno is who lai, but he looks like his gonna dead soon enough ... )
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! jus as i predicted! ahmao is DEAD! ahhoe reali become god liao! hahahahaha!
now we have a longest pedal boat! hahaha, 10pedal boat joint together!
escalator poser ver.2 ~!
mar + bert + apple = jimui gang~! moon cake fest in genting!
ohyea~ miss you guys leh! i'm gonna make another trip soon!!!! everyone mus go!!!!!
all da guys, latern fest on genting!
alright, this photo its goonnnaa be today post's ending!
hope everyone enjoi watching it...
i shade abit tears after done this update... realli miss you guys back then .... we had so much fun in genting .... it was really marvelous! the best trip i ever enjoyed before .... wanna thank you guys here to make this trip succesful! it is really a happening trip!
its cool men .... its really cool ....
alright alright, the story is basically starts with ....
suki:[ eh! lets go redang la~ after our graduation~!]
ahpong:[cannot la, boh lui~ no $$$ after exhibition ... ]
dailo:[hano, boh lui liao la~~~]
suki:[hhhmpppppppppp~~ aneh kuan , where we go ar?]
shueping:[eh, go langkawi ok ar?]
ahweei:[i dun wan go "long kao yee"~]
pohlin:[ BUYAO LA~~~~ HEN SIEN DE LA~~~]
shueping:[ =.=|||]
but stil they decide to go langkawi in the end, so suki become driver one day, drive her CRV around and ask for langkawi ship ticket and ahpong and shueping ask for langkawi resort prices!
but than ....
after the exhibition ....
suki:[wei~ langkawi very danger la, now go cannot, because they say maybe got earthquake and tsunami~]
gilbert:[den , onli one place to go, genting....]
ah harn:[ ei, gilbert their class go genting, wanna follow or not?]
architech+interior:[ WAN!!!!!]
den i start to collect money... and christina ask...
christina:[ahweei got go boh?]
gilbert:[not sure.... he ar ..... hehehe, duno lo, u ask him see?]
she call ahweei
christina:[ahweei! u got go genting boh~~~!?]
ahweei:[not sure ar~!]
christina:[u no go ar! WA PAK LU ARH!!!!]
ahweei:[okok, i go~]
so, in the end , end up alot ppl go genting ~
photo lai liao~

gosh, miss you all lenglui~

energizer:[ =.=||| ]

they nearly faint after this spinning cup~! hahaha !

(beside that guy , duno is who lai, but he looks like his gonna dead soon enough ... )

hope everyone enjoi watching it...
i shade abit tears after done this update... realli miss you guys back then .... we had so much fun in genting .... it was really marvelous! the best trip i ever enjoyed before .... wanna thank you guys here to make this trip succesful! it is really a happening trip!
its cool men .... its really cool ....
游戏规则:被點到名字的要在自己的空間日記裏寫下自己的答案,然後 去掉一個你最不喜歡的問題...再加上一個你自己的問題,組成8個問題,傳給其他8個人,列出其他8個需要回答問題的人的名字...還要到這8個人的空間 留言通知對方--->“你被點名了”...被點名者不得拒絕回答問題喔~!!這8個人要在自己的空間裏注明是從哪裡接到的,並且按上述要求傳給其他 8個人,讓遊戲繼續,不得回傳~!
Q1. 你最不能忍受...?
+ 失去的感觉
+ 运动 = 用那份压力,换成我的动力~大家减肥去!
+ 摄影 = 摄影是唯一一个东西能让我完完全全忘记自我,投身大自然,享受这美妙的世界!
+ 给我选,我还是会选她!
Q4. 是否有想過玩一夜情嗎?
+ 我要~~~~
Q5. 你會因為別人的言語,而改变自己吗?
+ 看咯,不过如果是坏习惯,我会改~
+ 想清楚先,然后再作决定。以前不会表白,现在肯定会!
Q7. 如果他出現婚外情,你會一哭,二闹,三上吊嗎?
+ 呵呵呵呵,婚外情啊~去吧~算我看错人,我再去找别的~
Q8. 如果你發現自己愛上了不該愛的人,你會選擇一廂情願默默忍受還是大膽表白?
+ 表白!!!!
+ 果果
+ andrew
+ 看看
+ LXON (灰鱼的记忆)
游戏规则:被點到名字的要在自己的空間日記裏寫下自己的答案,然後 去掉一個你最不喜歡的問題...再加上一個你自己的問題,組成8個問題,傳給其他8個人,列出其他8個需要回答問題的人的名字...還要到這8個人的空間 留言通知對方--->“你被點名了”...被點名者不得拒絕回答問題喔~!!這8個人要在自己的空間裏注明是從哪裡接到的,並且按上述要求傳給其他 8個人,讓遊戲繼續,不得回傳~!
Q1. 你最不能忍受...?
+ 失去的感觉
+ 运动 = 用那份压力,换成我的动力~大家减肥去!
+ 摄影 = 摄影是唯一一个东西能让我完完全全忘记自我,投身大自然,享受这美妙的世界!
+ 给我选,我还是会选她!
Q4. 是否有想過玩一夜情嗎?
+ 我要~~~~
Q5. 你會因為別人的言語,而改变自己吗?
+ 看咯,不过如果是坏习惯,我会改~
+ 想清楚先,然后再作决定。以前不会表白,现在肯定会!
Q7. 如果他出現婚外情,你會一哭,二闹,三上吊嗎?
+ 呵呵呵呵,婚外情啊~去吧~算我看错人,我再去找别的~
Q8. 如果你發現自己愛上了不該愛的人,你會選擇一廂情願默默忍受還是大膽表白?
+ 表白!!!!
+ 果果
+ andrew
+ 看看
+ LXON (灰鱼的记忆)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Alright, now its time for HAPPY BELATED CONVOCATION~!
i was kinda late that morning, because cannot wake up...
some more i din't manage to set my hair, and with my new spec,i look totali like a nerd~ hahahaha! but, i like being a nerd~ NERD-FOR-LIFE!
and to be honest... my dad put me airplane =. = well, can't do anything because he have to work .... well .... so ..... aih .....
alrite, crap is enough, photo sharing come come come~!
the 053 harry potter ... we learn the magic of how to design ... and fuxk ... design world is fun and it is suxks too ... :)
my 2 BELOVED MAMA~~ muax! love you both much much! next year mother's day bring u both go eat haagen daz~!
huasai, with momo and chun woei, they both taller den me la! (of course) so, they "HANG" me up!
huasai~ with all my family members~!
hua, my aunty, uncle, ahmah all look so fierce leh=. = hahaha~
with my pretty beloved sangu~ love her always~ because she is most sayang me liao... always buy alot things for me~
so gam dong, and so glad to have her to be my aunty~
this is ergu's family, tell u wat .... thats my cousin and he is only form4 ....T.T
i used to play with him all the time... miss him so much, thanks for them coming too!

hahaha, ini dia~ pohlin~ pohlin oh pohlin~ play with u since we are standard 2, its been 12years knowing u~ dah 12 tahun ni~ hua.... unbelivable to have such a good sis like you, you will always in my mind...
wahaha, with pohlin and ahweei~ ahweei, remember ha, buy new car, jio me go eat wind ahr!
arrr~~~ nice photo with felix~
with apple, bin mama, kiki mama!
with apple~ but she's with my big spec, haha she look so funny leh! but CUTE!
with mslow, oh she look so tired ....
money + cigar = youth?? hahaha , i duno wat i'm talking about la~
its carey and ningpoh!
oh,ningpoh! another pretty gurl! thanks for your support always! :) miss you selalu lah~!!!
suddenly i felt myself go into giant land ler ....
euwayne + dailo
okok! i know its gay alright! but we're not gay, and even gay its nothing wrong. BUT i'm not gay alright? i'm not thats all! MAO also not, we're jus friend! .... ar =.= wat ever, yeayea, who cares ...
ARRRRRRRRRR~~ colin~ my best buddy! and lecturer! BAKUT TEH BROTHER~!!!!
ARRRRRRRRRRRRR~~~ FELIX! boahahah, another best buddy+lectuerer, also BAKUT TEH BROTHER !!!!!!!
wahaha, this is sharon~ the lenglui lectuerer~! my honor!!!
OH RICARDO~ OH RICARDO~!!! ricardo chavez, a very special lecturer to me, taught me all the drawing skill he has~!!!
aaaar~~~ so heavy la u ah chiu! hehehe, cute xiao khee and handsome 10sen~!!!
okok , eh herm, this is a formal one, calvin and james~!
i did shoot a few panorama, but its appears to be all failed .... because of theres some naughty ppl where i ask them not to move .... yet they still wanna move .... so, kind unfortunate lah....~
but still a very very happy convocation i have back then .... its reali reali nice to meet all u guys out there! i'm going to love all you guys and remember all of you deep bottom in my heart! and also thanks for all the help and support!
you guys are truly awesome!
i was kinda late that morning, because cannot wake up...
some more i din't manage to set my hair, and with my new spec,i look totali like a nerd~ hahahaha! but, i like being a nerd~ NERD-FOR-LIFE!
and to be honest... my dad put me airplane =. = well, can't do anything because he have to work .... well .... so ..... aih .....
alrite, crap is enough, photo sharing come come come~!

hua, my aunty, uncle, ahmah all look so fierce leh=. = hahaha~

so gam dong, and so glad to have her to be my aunty~

i used to play with him all the time... miss him so much, thanks for them coming too!

money + cigar = youth?? hahaha , i duno wat i'm talking about la~
its carey and ningpoh!

euwayne + dailo

i did shoot a few panorama, but its appears to be all failed .... because of theres some naughty ppl where i ask them not to move .... yet they still wanna move .... so, kind unfortunate lah....~
but still a very very happy convocation i have back then .... its reali reali nice to meet all u guys out there! i'm going to love all you guys and remember all of you deep bottom in my heart! and also thanks for all the help and support!
you guys are truly awesome!
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